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Black spot disappears to reveal a fun picture!
Less Mess Less Stress
Patented – Wee Target is a fun game for boys!
Toilet aiming Wee Target teaches how to aim correctly with less mess and less stress
Designed to create an incentive with Toilet Training and positive toilet habits no matter what the age.
Aim at the black spot and it will disappear to reveal a fun picture, flush and the black spot will reappear!

Wee Target Helping With Special Needs!
Dear Wonder Inventors,
I truly wonder if you really know the value of your little Wee Target. Not only is it great for the Toilet Target Practice but as the mother of two special needs children I can tell you it is fantastic as an aide to toilet training. We actually placed the target on the front rim of the toilet so that the children can sit (children with additional needs often have many sensory issues involving the toilet and sitting is often the way at first). So now both my Son and Daughter get an instant reward from using the toilet target. In addition for special needs children - in our case Autism - the target has also conquered the fear of flushing the loo.. Well done and three big big cheers from our family. Mother of 3 children under 5 years.
Wee Target Helping Out At Day Care!
These are by far the savior of my sanity and nose!! :) I bought just two wee targets to place in the toilets of our early childhood centre - our toilets usually smell absolutely revolting due to the constant weeing of at least 15 boys (multiple wees each!) weeing everywhere BUT in the toilet! Our first week back and not one young man has even come close to weeing on the floor OR the rim of the seat! I am absolutely thrilled!! The boys love going to the toilet and are even remembering to flush to set it up ready for the next visitor. Even our Kindy bathroom (with 3 and 4 year olds) has been wee free. Thank you so much!! (I cannot stop raving about your product!! people are laughing at me now cos I'm so excited about the boys toilet!)
Wee Target Helps with Toilet Training Boys!
Great invention Wee Target!! My boys are hitting the target almost every time now. Only problem now is that they don't stop drinking water so they can go for a pee all the time! Thanks so much from the boys (They are so excited by it) and from be (because I don't have to clean the mess).
Nat - 5 star rating (Kidspot)
I think Wee Target is such a great idea and yes fun for the boy... He enjoyed it just like a game to play like shooting darts or bow and arrow without the bow but then you get a reward, oh look a different picture to look at! I'm now going to try it on the littler one who I have decided to get cracking with, so we shall see if he likes to be just like his big brother!
Improve your little boys aim with a Wee Target attached to the inside of your toilet with a suction cup. When the heat sensitive target is hit it changes from a black spot to a cute picture. Reusable for up to 6 weeks!
Hi, just wanted to say that it is a great invention. This has saved my wife headaches on keeping the toilet clean and increased both my boys confidence in getting their aim right first time, every time... (2 and 3 year old toilet trained in about 1 week with this!!!!!!!!). Both parents extremely happy with this toilet training invention... works so well I bought one for my in-laws who look after our boys a few days a week to keep the toilet habits in check... both the Car and Fire Truck were great.
On Monday I received my wee target from you. I have twin boys who are just over three and I was over the whole cleaning up wee off the ground all the time. Some times I walked into the toilet and there was a swimming pool of wee on the ground just waiting for me to clean up. My boys are so excited about weeing and revealing the picture.